I pride myself on being a fairly optimistic person but I give up. This week sucked. On Wednesday, I spent the evening in the ER because my baby wanted out of this prison cell of a womb. I can't say I blame him. It's getting a little tight for the 2 of us but he's still got 5 weeks until his sentence is up. They gave me a shot to slow down the contractions and as a side effect bonus, made me feel like I could run through walls. After a brief conference with Pris, I was assured that it would wear off in a couple of days. So now, I have all of this crazy energy for the first time in months but I'm not suppose to do anything beyond sitting on the couch and watching every episode of House Hunters International or Intervention. Don't worry, that's not the best part of the week..................
yesterday our house flooded. Our inner courtyard decided not to drain the monsoon bitch slap and sent rivers of Arizona tears under our doors, down our hallways and up into our new carpet. Nothing new sheet rock, baseboards, flooring, paint and probably 3 months of construction can't fix. So I guess it could be worse. Like, if I had a baby during all the havoc. Oy vey.
Amongst all of the drama, rehydrated dog smells and every 20 minute contractions, I've come up with a list of things that I've loved this week:
-InStyle and Phoenix Garden & Home came in the mail today
-Overcast skies giving us another day at our beloved zoo
-My sister
-Watching Brooks read books to himself
-Being one step closer to getting my hardwood floors
-My maniac, rain soaked neighbors
-Watching Brandon get motion sickness when we play ring around the rosies AND
-One high and closed cervix.
Not yet little man