Saturday, February 14, 2009

-joy from the rut

hellllooooo! hi, it's me. down here. waaay down here. i've been in this rut for a couple months now and i'm glad you still recognize me. where to begin? i literally feel like i'm the support crew from the trenches for all of these men i'm living with. i'm either nursing & holding the baby or stimulating a very busy 2 year old. and then there's encouraging and prodding an RM brother or supporting an overly stressed businessman husband in a not so business friendly economy. let it be documented that there are literally weeks where the majority of my time is spent keeping the dirty dishes from molding, muddy butts from rashing and these 4 men of mine from having absolute break downs.

i feel like a different woman. and i like it.
because amongst all the chaos, i'm happy. very very happy. i'm usually disheveled and have pretty much jumped off the vanity bus altogether. and it's ok. i've discovered the hair color aisle at CVS and let my $8 go wild every 3 weeks. i've let go of my obsession with being the center of attention and really love the view from seated position in the curtains. i really love parenting with brandon. i feel like my time with the boys is so meaningful and i try to be present when i'm with them. i really love brandon. although he's the quieter one around here, he's keeping this ship afloat and doing it in the most brilliant, brandon ways. we don't celebrate us ever but freaking out while watching Lost together and the occasional high-5 after sex keeps the fiery furnace of burning love ablaze.

so there. life is great in its' own mundane way and one of these days, i'll have something to brag about............unlike my finish time in this weekend's 10K.

and here's another one of these. it never gets old. ever.


~Sarah~ said...

i love your rut has 7 kids daycaring it up here today! i'm glad i'm not the only one pacing between t & a...literally nursing on my teets or wiping an "ass"! Hope I made you smile! I dare someone to read your "high five after sex" line and not LOL! from one mother's joy to anothers; Cheers! ....sarah :)

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

You're a trooper and making the best out of not your ideal situation. You have a great life and beautiful boys!

A and C said...

I am just impressed that you did a 10k. I did a 5k on Sat and felt pretty good about it and my baby is way older!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...


Love you trick with the camera. Too funny! And cheers to being the most important person in the most important peoples (to their mama's) lives.

libbie said...

i would be bragging if i could even get my out of shape arse to run a 10k regardless of the time I got. And you just had a baby! i'm a year out! So brag away. I am trying to gear myself up to run a measly 5k and not get my worst time ever! And high 5's . . . we like thumbs up over here. it takes less energy:).

sbk said...

That's hilarious. Love the video. How was Lost Dutchman?

Steve and Shell said...

hey im in a rut too. i was thinking one of the following might change my outlook; a pet, a baby, or a move to NYC.

p.s. whos that girl in da middle..she looks like you.

Carl said...

What if you are a man in the exact opposite situation you are. Instead of being surrounded by men, I am surrounded by lots of estrogen. At least I don't work at the all girl school any more and I have a little bit of sanity. Plus be happy that you don't get made fun of for being a manly girl. Getting called a girlie man every day really started to take a toll on me. I had to convince myself that I didn't like Twilight to make sure my balls still existed!

Carolyn Wells said...

Happy to hear that you're happy and that you're finding happiness in your disheveledness and being 'present' - that's how I live (or at least think I do, more so on good days!), and it's not always pretty :-) Welcome to the world of those less put-together! ;-) One of these days though I'm going to tap into more of those fashion and beauty secrets of long as they're all shortcuts, nothing complicated.