Tuesday, April 7, 2009

-thanks team boo

are you freaking serious?
wanna know what my biggest pet peeves are?  first of all- people talking about their pet peeves.  and secondly, people that say they're bored.  and not the i'm bored with my mundane everyday-run-of-the-mill-monotony kind of bored.  i get that.  i live that. 
i don't get the "i don't know what to do with my free time" type of bored.
if i were ever to encounter an afternoon with nothing to do, here's a list of things i think about doing everyday and would pillage a small village for the opportunity to have enough time to do:
-take a long tough morning hike on and around south mountain.
-get a ham and brie frittata at wildflower for breakfast
-take a shower, shave and do my hair uninterrupted
-watch every award winning french film on the freezone cox cable list.  it's taken me 3 weeks to make it half way through this amazing little movie about an adorable woman (of course) with a short pixie haircut, who moves to paris and becomes a waitress and gets to know all the neighborhood gossip.  dumb plot.  perfect character development.
-make and mail this year's grandma easter cards.  they might have to be happy 4th of july cards at this rate.
-clean out my closet and i mean reallllly go through that crap.  my feet are no longer a size 8, i'm too good for my entry level knock off hangbags (i've moved from chinatown to purse parties) and when i do get back into my skinny size, i won't want the those hideous zipper jeans from anthro's salae rack.
-update my vision board.  mock me if you will but it has ALWAYS worked for me.
-try a couple of those new recipes that will bring me closer to Quiche Queen of the Universe
-make a paper chandelier
-work poor neglected baby ade's baby book.  that stupid thing is always looking at me.
-scrape off the pink nail polish that was splattered all over my master tub.  (maybe not)
-take myself to a movie.  haven't been in a very long time.  is juno still in theaters?
-layout and get some sort of base for the gallons of self tan.
-read that book tiff gave me 5 months ago.  for the record, i did start it last night and fell asleep mid head chopping scene.
-call my sister and talk without having to discipline our children on the side.
-eat vietnamese.
-go for a run with music.
-lay and stretch for an entire hour.  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.
-eat cantaloupe gelato with jenna.
-fall asleep in the tub.
-plan my dream trip to asia.
shall i go on dave?
ps- please feel free to add to the list.  i'm in love with your ways of buying time.


Carl said...

How about finding time to come visit Utah? Your guest bed is always waiting for you!

Steph Bowen said...

Get in and out of the car as often as possible just to bask in the effortlessness of being a single person with no one to lug in and out of a carseat/stroller/cart/arms.

Wander each and every isle and rack at Target.

Type this comment without having to fight off little hands.

Lucrecia said...

Hmmmm...call me a robot Mom but I have no reply. I've never thought about what I'd do in my free time because I know I won't have any for about 20 more years. Oh! I do think it would be fun to browse through Target all. by. myself!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Walk through an antique/flea market and take my time looking around, go to some fabric stores downtown and touch every piece of fabric, clean and touch up my baseboards, go see Izzy for lunch, I could go on and on and on and on. . .

DJCK incorporated said...

Not sure that free time is ever going to happen again as your focus becomes less about personal issues and more about these kids we bring into this world. Soon your world is full of soccer games and band rehearsals. Knowing you, your tastes will change as you become band-parent president or assistant coach and you will find immense pleasure and satisfaction at Brooks' first goal or Ade's first cello concert. Or maybe you'll combine interests and take them to Tombstone some morning to watch a re-enactment of the OK Corral (oh wait--that's something I'd really enjoy). Anyway, life is sure fun.