Saturday, April 23, 2011


we just got right to it this year.
it was the first time we've dyed eggs. ever. and the boys were little geniuses.
there were no brown barf looking eggs.
i was actually impressed with their precision and patience.
yet another thing they did NOT get from me.
and i feel 15 minutes of fun is totally worth 3 days of green/yellow/orange fingers.

and then we went to dean and jonelle's easter egg hunt.
freaking cute little party.
we always feel so loved at their home.

and when the bunny said he'd do face painting on the kids he had no idea what the lewis boys would order.
not the suggested butterfly or rocket ship.
i said we got right to it this year.


jack n molly said...

the bunny scares me

Sandy said...

your boys have the best hair.
happy easter cute family in arizona!