how do you sum up the craziest36 hours of life ever lived?
i sent matt a text this morning and asked if i was crazy for missing ragnar so much already.
he replied:
"no. last night i couldn't sleep so i drank a red bull, rubbed hot garbage all over me and went and sat in my truck".
that's about it.
the ragnar relay was the most difficult challenge i've ever participated in -yet- it's not the long stretches of running through the pitch black desert or impossible climbs along the broken shoulders of an old arizona highway that i'll remember most about this experience.
forget about all the running when i have things like cussing out my 17 year old teammate or pooping in the middle of a very busy and crowded parking lot at 2 am to reminisce about. i know i'm gross but i never thought i'd reach the lows i did. i guess it takes a total lack of electrolytes, sleep, food, hope and a car full of guys (and probably a mild case of TSS) to bring out the worst in me.
my team was the best.
and after this experience i would take a bullet for them.
or at least given them my last blessed banana.
we laughed with each other, we cheered for each other, we hung in there for each individual's breakdowns and we smelled each other's body odor in a closed vehicle for HOURS.
ragnar and bonding goes together as naturally as eating liberty fries and shitting the american flag.
ps- i'm pretty sure tss can be cured or held at bay when you wipe with windex wipes.
because sometimes, that's all that's available.
and you've pretty much given up on life anyway.
“The Ultimate Measure of a Man”
7 hours ago