Monday, July 20, 2009

-a little self indulgent

i've been spending a lot of time behind the camera lately.
there is one time each week where my hair, make up and outfit are baby-smudge-free.
it's sunday. always and only on sunday.
i made the family 10 minutes late for church by asking brandon to
take a moment and snap my picture.
hopefully these will be the images burned in their little minds.
looking the way i feel...... for the most part.


Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Of course you took pictures of yourself. You look adorable - you poser.

boots said...

cute outfit, and the best kiss picture i've seen in a long time!

Anonymous said...

Well you look super cute and colorful! who could blame you.

DJCK incorporated said...

Your lush vegetation looks delightful, especially the cute little flowers! This must be the garden of Eden (except maybe you might have to vacuum the lawn?). Looks great!